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Iowa Director of Public Health at April 11 Iowa City Forum

By April 1, 2011January 11th, 2019No Comments

Mariannette Miller-Meeks, the new director of the Iowa Department of Public Health will be featured in a forum to be held, Monday, April 11 at 2 p.m. in Room 203 of the Johnson County Health and Human Services Building.

The public is invited to attend this free one hour forum, sponsored by the Heritage Agency on Aging Johnson County Taskforce. Miller-Meeks has been invited to share her vision for the Department of Public Health and to listen and respond to the concerns, suggestions and questions of citizens.

The forum will be hosted and moderated by Doug Beardsley, director of Johnson County Public Health. A panel discussion will include: Suellen Novotny, director of the Visiting Nurses Association of Johnson County; Jeff Charis-Carlson, opinion editor of the Iowa City Press-Citizen; and Mary Willie, aging specialist of Johnson County Livable Community (a co-sponsor of the forum) and project coordinator for Sure Steps, a comprehensive fall prevention program for Johnson County.

Issues planned for the April 11 forum include the federal Affordable Health Care Act, how to improve the health care delivery system in Iowa, how to address the aging of Iowans, ways to expand our direct care work force and what Iowa can do to encourage healthy living.

For more information contact The Heritage Agency on Aging at 319-398-5559.