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Caregiver Education Free Session

By February 17, 2011January 11th, 2019No Comments

Heritage Agency offers a free education session for non-professional caregivers in Johnson County March 17, 2011 

The Heritage Area Agency on Aging is offering it’s first Caregiver Education session outside of Linn County on Tuesday, March 17 at 4:15 p.m. As part of an ongoing series, this free workshop is designed for those who are caring for a friend or family member over the age of 60. This session will be held at Pathways Adult Day Center, 817 Pepperwood Lane, Iowa City

Speaker Sara Sanders, Ph.D., LSW, assistant professor-School of Social Work, University of Iowa will talk about the behaviors that caregivers can face and different ways to work through them, helping themselves and their loved one.

Registration for these sessions is free, with participants requested to call with RSVP to ensure adequate information and materials: (319) 398-5559, or toll-free: 1-800-332-5934.