Demonstrations, a forum and a movie night give the public an insight into Egyptian life
The Kirkwood United Nations Association Student Alliance is setting up jars for contributions to the Red Crescent/Red Cross in Egypt, which is helping those injured in the demonstrations in Egypt. This is in support of all Egyptians.
The Student Alliance is sponsoring a demonstration of support walk from Linn Hall through all the buildings of Kirkwood from 12-2 p.m. on Monday, February 7.
The Alliance is sponsoring a forum on Egypt in Cedar Hall 343 on Tuesday, February 8, during activity hour, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Ayman Amer, Ph.D., an Egyptian economics professor at Mt. Mercy University, will speak and a panel of six students will respond.
On Tuesday night the Alliance is sponsoring a film night from 5-8 p.m. in Cedar Hall 234. The film is Yacoubian Building, which portrays contemporary Egyptian life. There will be time afterward for discussion of the film.