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Kirkwood Students Offer Free Tax Assistance

By February 3, 2011January 11th, 2019No Comments

Volunteers will assist with both Federal and Iowa returns

Kirkwood Community College students are once again volunteering to assist area taxpayers with their 2010 Federal and Iowa tax returns. A free “E-File” service is available for both Federal and State tax returns through the Kirkwood VITA process.

Accounting students have opened their Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to aid students, staff and faculty in preparing the basic levels of tax returns. The volunteers request that no business, rental or investment income aspects be part of the taxpayer’s financial profile.

Participants are requested to bring all important tax documents with them to the appointment, including Social Security cards, a copy of the previous year’s tax return, and all statements of income including W-2, 1099 and other appropriate forms.

Appointments will be available Thursdays & Fridays beginning January 27 and continuing through April 15, 2011. Services will not be available during Kirkwood’s Spring Break week, March 12-20.


Persons interested in the assistance can make an appointment by e-mailing: [email protected], or calling 319-398-5899, Ext. 4521 to leave a message with a name and phone number.