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Preventing Falls is “A Matter of Balance”

By November 1, 2010January 11th, 2019No Comments

Heritage Agency sponsors November workshop to train facilitators in prevention skills

Chances are you know someone who has fallen or who is afraid of falling. A Matter of Balance is a proven program designed to help people manage concerns about falls and increase physical activity. The Heritage Agency on Aging, a department of Kirkwood Community College, is looking for volunteers to help provide this program.

A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls, is conducted by two trained “coaches” in 8 two-hour sessions. The program uses group discussion, problem–solving strategies, videos and gentle physical exercise. Older adults learn positive coping methods to reduce fear of falling and remain active and independent.

A Matter of Balance coaches help participants become more confident about managing falls by believing that they can increase their strength, find ways to reduce falls, and protect themselves if they do fall. In addition, participants report that they have increased the amount they exercise on a regular basis.

A Matter of Balance coaches need good communication and interpersonal skills, enthusiasm, dependability and a willingness to lead small groups of older adults. Coaches also need to be able to lead low to moderate level exercise.

The next Coach training class is schedule for Thursday, November 18, 2010, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at The Heritage on Aging, located on the main campus of Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids. The only cost for this training is a commitment to coach at least one class per year.

If you would like to attend or want more information, please contact Tim Getty, local A Matter of Balance Coordinator at 319-398-5559, or via e-mail: [email protected]