Six nations represented in latest group to complete studies at Kirkwood Community College
Flags of six countries were part of a display to celebrate completion of studies on July 1 at Kirkwood Community College. Joined with each small flag was another, the American flag—in a symbolic bond of understanding.
Eleven students from the Community College Initiative project at Kirkwood marked the end of their U.S. study tour with a graduation program, luncheon and reception at the Kirkwood Center in Cedar Rapids. The U.S. Department of State sponsors the students on a supported higher education program to foster better relations between the United States and a host of countries around the globe.
More than 300 students nationwide have spent the last year in an intensive study program, with rigorous academic work blending with cultural tours and close-up views of American life. Kirkwood is among 16 community colleges nationwide hosting the students in the exchange program, part of the State Department’s Fulbright scholar exchanges.
Kirkwood President Mick Starcevich praised the 11 students as exemplary additions to Iowa’s learning community. “These young people have been incredible students and have added immense value to our campus and student body. Our faculty has praised them continually for their hard work and dedication to scholarship. The biggest benefits come to all of us, as we better understand global cultures and economies close up, one personal story at a time,” Starcevich said.
Joining the student graduates at Kirkwood was Iowa State Senator Daryl Beall. The Fort Dodge legislator has been an enthusiastic supporter of the CCI student visitors, traveling halfway across the state several times to lead classroom work in U.S. and Iowa history and politics and welcoming the students on a visit to the Iowa Statehouse in Des Moines. Beall is vice-chair of the Iowa Senate International Relations Committee and has done extensive travel to many parts of the world.
“Kirkwood and other colleges have benefitted greatly from Senator Beall’s enthusiastic support for study aboard programs and international learning. We are grateful for his presence today and the many things he does to bring Iowa closer together with the rest of the world,” said Business & IT Dean Ken Riha.
As an indicator of the college’s relentless activities in global education, Riha also observed that a new group of CCI international students was already in Cedar Rapids, doing preliminary learning and orientation to American higher education and culture as they begin their one-year American study programs.
“We have a student cohort that includes India, Panama, South Africa and El Salvador. This really is the world coming to Iowa and the Midwest to learn. By the time they return home, we hope we all better understand each other. This is a terrific program,” Riha added.