Heart takes liberal arts major back to performing
–Ali Carlson, Communique’
Being in the spotlight and taking center stage is something that Angel Farris, Liberal Arts major, said she was born to do. Having struggled with what to do in life she started with theatre then changed from one major to the next. Today Angel is back on stage and doing what she said she loves.
“This is my passion. This is what I love to do and I spend most of my time doing some part of it,” Farris said.
Originally from the small town of Monticello, Kirkwood Community College has become her transition before moving to New Jersey where she plans to attend Monmouth University. “Kirkwood has been amazing as a transition from high school to the real life. It has offered me so many opportunities,” Farris said
Kirkwood has become another family for her. She has made the connection with the stage and the people performing on it with her.
This year she performed in the theater productions of “Wonder of the World” and “The Just.” She said, “The Just was one of my favorite positions because it really made me step outside of my comfort zone and really adapt to the part I was playing,” she said.
Being from a small town is something that has helped Farris connect with who she is. “It is all about the appreciation of the small things. It has really helped me to determine who I am and what I am about,” she said. “I am who I want to be right now and I love it. It is me,” she said.
Living by the quote, “Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life,” Farris said she would step onto stage and memorize scripts without even thinking twice about how long she had to be there for. “Time passes so fast for me and sometimes I find myself just wanting to be in the theater to be there,” she said.
Coming to Kirkwood was a move that Farris said she was ready to make from high school. “I didn’t want to start out at a huge university. Being from a small high school it would have been too big of a change for me,” she said.
She said her teachers she have made a large impact on her. “My teachers have been amazing in every department and they are people that really root for you to succeed and do everything they can to make it possible,” said Farris.
Farris will travel to New Jersey in the fall to step onto a bigger stage under brighter lights. “I am ready for what life has to bring me. Kirkwood has helped me to prepare for the road ahead of me,” she said.
[Story courtesy Kirkwood Communique’. Copyright 2009. Used by permission.]