Jones County Regional Center
Key legislators from two states, the head of Wisconsin’s technical college system and several other local and state dignitaries will gather at Kirkwood Community College’s Jones County Regional Center in Monticello, Friday, May 9, to tour the facility and learn more about Iowa’s innovative Senior Year Plus program. Senior Year Plus legislation paved the way for community colleges to offer transferable college-level classes to high school students.
Wisconsin currently does not have a state-wide plan that allows community colleges to offer dual credit classes for high school students. In the past year alone, Kirkwood’s dual credit classes saved eastern Iowa families $3.4 million in college tuition.
“Dual credit classes are transferable college credit classes that can be taken by high school students. Students earn both college and high school credit for each class,” said Kristy Black, dean of regional and county centers at Kirkwood. “Because of Senior Year Plus, students are able to take these classes at no cost to their families. Wisconsin officials have hopes of introducing similar legislation in their state, and want to use Jones Regional as a model for implementation.”
While at Jones Regional, the Wisconsin delegation will learn how Iowa K-12 school districts and community colleges have worked together to create shared, centralized learning opportunities that neither the schools nor Kirkwood could have delivered alone. Presentation topics include Iowa’s Senior Year Plus legislation, the history of Kirkwood’s Jones County Regional Center, and the experiences of partner school districts and current Jones Regional students. There will be a classroom demonstration and the media is invited to attend.
WHAT: Wisconsin Educational Delegation Visit
WHEN: Friday, May 9, 11 a.m.
WHERE: Jones County Regional Center, Welter Drive, Monticello
PURPOSE: Study Jones County Regional Center as a potential model for educational advancement in Wisconsin.