September is Adult Literacy Awareness Month
Cedar Rapids, Iowa (September 11, 2017)-In light of Adult Literacy Awareness Month, Kirkwood Community College is pleased to announce increased enrollment during 2016-2017 for its High School Completion Programs, including adult basic education and English as a second language (ESL). To serve the influx of students, the college seeks tutors for reading, writing and basic math in Linn, Johnson and Washington counties.
Kirkwood’s High School Completion Programs include high school equivalency through adult high school or HiSET (formerly GED), adult basic education and ESL. This past year, overall number of students served increased by 4.6 percent. Enrollment specific to adult basic education rose by 5.5 percent with growth for ESL at 3.4 percent.
“Financial hardship is one of the biggest motivators for students enrolled in our programs,” said Marcel Kielkucki, director of High School Completion Programs. “To move beyond minimum wage, most jobs require a high school diploma or equivalency and the ability to speak English.”
Program participants sometimes need to brush up on basic reading, writing and math. Tutors fill the need for supplemental learning. The college seeks tutors for the aforementioned areas of study. Interested volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and should call 319-784-1510 to learn more.
According to ProLiteracy, more than 36 million adults in the United States lack the most basic literacy skills. Of those with low literacy, 70 percent received welfare. Low literacy costs the country at least $225 billion each year in non-productivity in the workforce, crime and loss of tax revenue due to unemployment.
To help raise awareness about adult literacy, Half Price Books, located in Collins Road Square, Marion, will donate five percent of their sales on Tuesday, Sept. 12, to Kirkwood’s High School Completion Programs.