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AgrowKnowledge Honors “Educators of Vision”

By June 6, 2008January 21st, 2019No Comments

First annual awards note Kirkwood Ag Dean, Dept. of Ed Leader

As AgrowKnowledge concludes one phase as a national center and enters the new phase of becoming a national resource center, we honor two individuals as our first recipients of the AgrowKnowledge Educator of Vision award.

Jerry Bolton, Dean of Agri-Science, Kirkwood Community College. Without the vision and direction of Jerry AgrowKnowledge would not exist. As a leader with a vision he helped obtain the first National Science Foundation (NSF) grant. His vision of leadership encourages other to clarify their own vision and reach beyond themselves for the greater good of an organization. He clearly sees the potential in an idea and in the individual behind the idea. He knows when to “step in” and when to “step aside.” Over the years Jerry has also supported AgrowKnowledge by attending many of the events. Jerry is well-known and respected in postsecondary agricultural education. AgrowKnowledge honors him as the first recipient of the AgrowKnowledge Educator of Vision.
Dr. Larry Case, Coordinator of Agricultural and Rural Education, U.S. Department of Education, is truly a man of vision. Larry’s past experiences and network of contacts provide a vision that encompasses more that most can relate to in agricultural education. He paved the way for developing relationships and connecting organizations which have extended the reach of AgrowKnowledge. He always challenges AgrowKnowledge to see our potential as the only organization representing post-secondary needs and capabilities in agricultural, food, and natural resources (AFNR) technology. We are privileged that Larry serves on the AgrowKnowledge National Visiting Committee where his vision continually guides the work of AgrowKnowledge. He applauds our strengths and helps us remain focused in our mission. Besides his committee service Dr. Case always supports AgrowKnowledge events with his attendance. AgrowKnowledge appreciates his passion, vision and willing leadership. We honor him as an AgrowKnowledge Educator of Vision.

Both recipients received their award at the recent AgrowKnowledge national conference held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa May 29 – 30, 2008.

Each year AgrowKnowledge will recognize and honor individuals with the AgrowKnowledge Educator of Vision award. Nomination forms for this award will be distributed to the membership annually in the fall and awards will be made in May of each year.

For more information contact: Dr. Rick Parker, AgrowKnowledge Director, 319-721-0957 or [email protected].