Melanie Ewalt, former student and instructor, chosen as latest team member for teaching hotel in CR
When Lee Belfield set out to create the only complete teaching hotel in the Midwest he knew the core staff positions would be vital. For the top chef in the hotel’s restaurant, he found the right match within his own department.
Kirkwood Community College has appointed Melanie Ewalt as Executive Chef to The Hotel at Kirkwood Center. She is transitioning from the faculty for Kirkwood’s Hospitality Arts/Culinary Arts program, teaching kitchen arts and skills since 2003. Ewalt is herself a product of Kirkwood’s renowned culinary education programs, graduating in 2000. She stepped into to her new executive chef duties March 1.
The Hotel at Kirkwood Center is set to open in late summer 2010, but Belfield has been assembling lead professionals for crucial hotel positions since mid-2009. He called Ewalt’s acceptance of the new culinary role “putting the perfect person in the perfect job” at the teaching hotel.
“Melanie is extremely bright and exceptionally talented. She brings a wealth of experience with a youthful enthusiasm that inspires admiration and praise from our students and the wider hospitality community. She will play a critical role in growing connections between our faculty and the professional staff in The Hotel, creating a solid learning atmosphere while providing superb guest experiences. Chef Melanie’s many gifts will help us grow and refine this new national model for hospitality education,” Belfield said.
Ewalt is a familiar face on Kirkwood’s campus, encouraging student involvement and community engagement in events throughout the Corridor. She was active in hosting the annual Iron Chef Cedar Rapids fundraiser for the Junior League, aided the Homeless Children’s Trust, and staged student demonstration events at the Cedar Rapids Downtown Farmers Market.
More information and progress reports on Kirkwood’s new teaching hotel are available via the Kirkwood Web site: