What is your background?: To start, I am from Central City, Iowa. I moved around quite a bit as a kid with my mom and siblings, up until my later years of high school. I graduated early from Central City High School in January of 2020. I am the youngest of three siblings, I have one full sister and brother whom I am the closest with, as well as also having a much older half brother and sister on my dads side. Then I also have two step sisters as my parents divorced when I was a baby and my dad remarried. I now also have a wonderful four, almost five-year-old, niece whom I’m very close with. She is my sister’s daughter and there is another one on the way now, which I’m very excited about! I also just gained a new sister-in-law this past August, so my close family keeps growing and growing!
What brought you to Kirkwood and why?: I actually first attended the Jones County Regional Center Kirkwood location in Monticello while I was in high school! I was in the CNA program and I was one of the few people out of my class to pass both state exams in 2019. Later down the road I then gained a passion for fitness and my close cousin, Kenzi had mentioned this program here at Kirkwood and she said to try and go for it! So, I looked into it more and I then applied for it and got accepted! I then started in August of 2023 and am set to graduate this upcoming May!
What is your program of study and what interests you about it?: I am in the Exercise Science program! As I stated in the last answer, I gained a passion for fitness in early 2021 and as I read more about the program, it continued to spike my interest and I thought to myself “I think I would really like this and get a lot out of it”. I ended up being right, as I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of what this program has to offer! This program has provided me with the tools to become a knowledgeable and confident fitness professional. I love that this program incorporates physical labs and visual learning, rather than just note taking and written assignments, as that is the way that I learn best. A huge part of this program being enjoyable, I would say would also be my professors, Denise and Josh as they give me confidence and encouragement on my learning and training abilities. I am excited to be a part of creating healthier lives, both physically and mentally for my clients as a personal trainer and this program has helped me get to that point of finally getting to do so as my career and I couldn’t be more grateful!
Are you involved in anything on campus?: No I am not, as I work full time outside of school!
Are you involved in anything off campus?: I interned for my program, through my home gym (The Anvil) this last fall semester, with Ken Mcclelland. Otherwise I am not involved with any school activities on or off campus.
What do you do for fun?: I love to do strength and cardio training in my free time as it decreases stress and makes me feel the most confident. Some other hobbies would include reading and watching movies, horror is my favorite genre for both! I am also a self taught makeup artist so I enjoy everything about doing that, as well as even doing body art in the past, such as doing paintings of landscapes and doing other special effects makeup! I enjoy being spontaneous and trying new things!
Where do you see yourself in five years?: I always have a hard time imagining myself that far in the future as so many things could change! I just hope to be the healthiest and happiest version of myself and continue to pursue my dreams! I would like to be personal training full time and have purchased my first ever home in that time span! I plan to continue on the path that I am currently taking and work hard for what I want.