Events in Coralville March 15-16 to protect natural areas, provide learning
Over 30 renowned Iowa and midwest nature and wildlife artists combine their talents to conserve wetlands at the Iowa Nature and Wildlife in Art Exhibition and Sale. Organizers will mark the 21st year of the event and the second year at a new venue with some added show features.
Proceeds from sales at the March 15-16 exhibition will support wetland projects in Johnson, Floyd, Buchanan, Blackhawk, Jasper and Mitchell Counties. The show and sale, directed by volunteers and students from Kirkwood Community College and employees of the Johnson County Conservation Board in cooperation with the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation and The Iowa Department of Natural Resources, offers all media types from woodcarving, paintings and photographs to stained glass.
Since its inception the art exhibition and sale has raised more than $100,000 to restore and protect the wetlands that naturally clean our water and protect our environment.
The Coralville Marriott Conference Center will host the two-day event that will include the art show, Wetlands Classic Dinner/Auction, environmental education seminars and a “Conservation Corner.” The latter portion will feature booths with information on everything from mushrooms to whitetails. The guest speaker for Saturday’s dinner is Richard Leopold, Director of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Leopold will present a program titled “The Delicate Art of Preserving Iowa’s Natural Resources.”
The auction follows the Saturday dinner program. More than 30 donated items, ranging from canoe/cabin weekend getaways to Larry Zach prints. Each will be sold to the highest bidder. Proceeds from the dinner/auction also support area wetland projects.
Continuing in the 2008 show are the environmental education seminars. The theme this year is Bats, Butterflies and Birds. Speakers include local butterfly expert Dennis Schlicht and Vera Blevins, Bat World. Schlicht will present seminars on the “Butterflies of Iowa” and “Managing for Butterflies.” Blevins’s programs will include bat demonstrations as well as information on bat conservation. Other highlights will include a live bird exhibition and talk by Macbride Raptor Project staff.
Sale hours are Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission to the art show is $3 for adults, $1 for children. Tickets will be available at the door. Dinner tickets are $75.00 per couple or $50.00 single. Dinner tickets may be purchased at Gander Mountain and Great Outdoor Traditions in Cedar Rapids and Fin and Feather in Iowa City. Dinner ticket holders may attend the art show beginning at 5 p.m. with dinner following at 7 p.m.
More information and event tickets are available from Steve Atherton at Kirkwood Community College, (319) 398-5441.