Kirkwood students display some of the gifts for those less fortunate
The Kirkwood community has once again stepped up to meet the needs of the less fortunate during the holiday season. Students, faculty, staff and retirees filled gift requests from 448 young people in the community, who may not otherwise receive gifts this time of year.
Each year the college’s Student Life office and Student Leadership Council participate in the Tanager Place Angel Tag campaign, purchasing gifts for area young people in need. Kirkwood improved upon the record it set last year, filling more tag requests than any organization ever has, according to Tanager Place staffers.
Children and young adults from Tanager Place created gift wish lists, which were then placed on the Angel Tags that were picked up by those in the Kirkwood community. People then bought at least one item from each tag. With a final push, 448 tags had items purchased.
“As the Tanager workers continued to carry box after box of gifts out to the delivery truck, they expressed their amazement at the number of gifts Kirkwood collected,” said Mary Huffman, of Kirkwood Student Life. “This was the first year that they had to empty their large boxes and return to fill them. It’s one more way that Kirkwood proves we are the community’s college. Thanks to those who help make Kirkwood a great institution.”