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Kirkwood Staffer Named to Rebuild Iowa Task Force

By July 28, 2008January 21st, 2019No Comments

A Kirkwood Community College employee has been named to a state group exploring ways to rebuild Iowa’s arts and cultural communities hurt by the storms and floods of 2008. Arts Specialist Arbe Bareis has been appointed by Gov. Chet Culver to the Rebuild Iowa Advisory Commission-Cultural Heritage Task Force.

The 22-member group is charged with gathering information and making recommendations for recovery and rebuilding of the many state historic and cultural landmarks damaged or destroyed by record floods and storms of 2008.

The disasters of the past year resulted in billions of dollars in damage to homes and businesses and severely disrupted commerce and daily life in the state. More than 80 counties in Iowa were declared state and/or Federal disaster areas following the events of May and June 2008.

Bareis calls the appointment “a great honor along with a big responsibility” for himself and the other task force members.

“I am particularly pleased to be in this group because of the devastation the arts and cultural institutions in eastern Iowa have suffered due to the floods. When you consider the Czech-Slovak Museum, African-American Museum, the Paramount Theater, Theatre Cedar Rapids, the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art—the list and impact are staggering. Add to that the music and theater buildings at the University of Iowa and other areas across our state and we have so much to do. These organizations are vital to our state, the lifeblood of who we are. I know our group will do all we can to make positive progress for Iowa’s cultural future,” Bareis said.
The Cultural Heritage Task Force is one of nine sub-groups in the Rebuild Iowa effort. Other task force groups include:
• Housing
• Flood Plain Management and Hazard Mitigation
• Infrastructure and Transportation
• Economic and Workforce Development
• Public Health and Health Care
• Long-Term Recovery Planning
• Agriculture and Environment
• Education

More information on the Rebuild Iowa work and the task force goals is available via the Internet at: