Turfgrass team helps bring battered athletic field back
On June 9 and 10 the Kirkwood Community College Turf Management student team partnered with the Iowa Sports Turf Managers Association (ISTMA) to help with clean-up efforts in Parkersburg. Both alumni and current students traveled north to assist the town in fixing the damage that was done to the high school athletic field.
This was a learning experience for the students. They gained numerous lessons in dealing with turf that has been damaged by flying debris.
Troy McQuillen, Kirkwood turf management instructor remarked, “Yes, tornado damage does significant damage on structures, but the damage that was done to the athletic playing surfaces is just as significant.”
Parkersburg has a long and proud school athletics tradition. The district’s high school football program is noted as one of the top in Iowa. During Friday night games the town shuts down and everyone gathers at the football field for the games. The Kirkwood crew wanted to make sure that fans will soon be able to return to the stadium for another football game this fall.
The community recognized the efforts during the long hours of work. Many stopped by the fields thanking them for their time spent.
“The head football coach for Parkersburg had a smile from ear to ear when we finished,” added McQuillen. “That is a tough thing to do during this disaster.”