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Student of the Month

March Student of the Month: Landon Moeller

By March 10, 2016October 24th, 2018No Comments

What is your background?: I grew up in West Point, Iowa and went to Holy Trinity Catholic High School in Fort Madison. I have two siblings. A brother named Dakota and a sister named Shianne

What brought you to Kirkwood and why?: I heard that the Kirkwood Automotive Technology program was really good. Plus it’s far enough away from home so that I can get out on my own, but close enough that I can still go back when I want to.

What is your program of study and what interests you about it?: I’m in the Automotive Technology program at Kirkwood. I enjoy learning about how everything all works together on a car.

What do you do for fun?: I really enjoy going hunting and fishing. I also like to go four wheeling with my friends.

Where do you see yourself in five years?: In five years I see myself working at a car dealership in Fort Madison. I would also like to have my own house.

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