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Around Kirkwood

Relishing “The Best Job at Kirkwood”

By December 26, 2009January 16th, 2019No Comments

Dave Bunting reflects on favorite times, looks ahead

This December marks the completion of a major chapter in a personal career. That career also spans much of the history of Kirkwood Community College.

Dave Bunting is retiring from his role as executive director of Kirkwood’s Secondary Programs department. In that role he has been instrumental in growing the alternative high school, dual-credit and career academy programs throughout east central Iowa. Those programs have made a positive impact on tens of thousands of area high school students over the years. Many of those students later took their learning to the next level in Kirkwood’s many credit programs.

Before his final days in his current role, Kirkwood’s Steve Carpenter spent some time visiting with Dave Bunting on his many roles and fascinating times during nearly four decades of educational service.

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Steve Carpenter: Do you remember your first day at Kirkwood? When was it, what were you first hired to do?

Dave Bunting: My first official day was August 15, 1972. Ann and I got married on August 12, so the first question I had to ask my supervisor after being hired at Kirkwood was to unofficially start a week early so that I would have time after our wedding to set up a home in Cedar Rapids.
I began my career as a marketing instructor in the Business Department. On my first day, I was given a “cubby-hole” desk in Linn Hall Room 216 with a couple of shelves. I shared that room with five or six other business teachers in similar cubby-holes. I recall meeting the two department secretaries and learning how to request secretarial support such as typing and copying.

SC: Looking back over the last 37-plus years at Kirkwood, do any years or eras seem more “golden” or more-promise-filled, more than others?

DB: Kirkwood has always been an institution of great hope and promise for our students. I believe it has also been a place of great home and promise for those of us privileged to work here. In 1977, I applied and got a new opportunity as the Director of Non-Traditional Studies. When Dr. Selby Ballantyne announced my selection, he challenged me in this new position by simply saying, “If you are ever satisfied with what you are doing, you are not doing what I am now hiring you to do.” I have thought about these insightful words many, many times during my career and believe that I have lived up to “Dr. B’s” vision.

Each era of my Kirkwood time was “golden” and I discovered that my true passion at Kirkwood was launching and developing new and innovative programs. I have great memories of teaching and developing our student-led Marketing Club. I have great memories of helping to launch our Distance Learning programs and County Centers, expanding our Iowa City Campus, creating the Career Edge Academy initiative, establishing the Workplace Learning Connection, developing alternative high school programs, and helping build relationships for the new Jones Regional Education Center. I feel that I have truly left my “thumbprint” on this outstanding institution.

SC: What were your two/three proudest moments…and why?

DB: There are too many proud moments to list them all, but three stand out. The first was opening up the first addition to the Iowa City Center. Kirkwood had a long history of delivering courses at off-campus centers. However, most were in sparse steel span buildings. For the first time, Kirkwood made a major facility commitment with a spectacular 30,000 square foot building in Iowa City. Today, there have been several additions to this facility and enrollments have nearly reached 4,000 students.

Next was helping to create and launch the Career Edge Academy programs. Modern careers require much higher skills, yet high school students have so little knowledge of these careers or their essential skills. Today, over 3,000 high school students are involved in 18 Career Edge programs that can connect them to a meaningful future. I am especially proud of the collaboration that exists between the Career Edge academies with each of our departments and the County Centers.

Finally, I’m proud of a role in creating the Jones Regional Education Center. I grew up in Jones County and have enjoyed the partnership that Kirkwood has developed with these schools over many years. JREC takes our K-12 partnership to a new level and is truly the model for the future of education in rural Iowa.

SC: Your colleagues have often heard you say that you have “the best job at Kirkwood.” What’s behind that statement?

DB: First, that’s a true statement. Secondly, I would hope that every Kirkwood employees could feel the same way! Why? Because every day, I have an opportunity to improve the lives of others.

Early in my career, Kirkwood realized that my strength was innovating and building programs. I genuinely get excited about new ideas and initiatives and enjoy working across the college to convert dreams to reality. At the Jones Regional Education Center dedication last October, I quoted author Joel Barker: “Vision without action is only a dream. But vision with action can change the world.” I believe it is action that makes Kirkwood such an outstanding institution.

SC: What do you plan to do in the next few years?

DB: First, I’m reluctant to use the “R” word, but after a 37-year career at Kirkwood I am planning new adventures and my next career. It will certainly involve enjoying the role of being a grandfather, warm places in the winter, and traveling in our small motor home. I still need to finish a walnut hutch that I started too many years ago. I also plan to set up my own consulting business to do part-time projects related to Career & Technical Education. But, it will begin with a honeymoon to Maui, Hawaii that Ann and I didn’t get and couldn’t afford in 1972.

SC: If you could re-live one Kirkwood Dave Bunting experience, what would it be?

DB: It would probably be the story of my mother. I was one of seven children and my parents come from a generation of limited education opportunities. My father had an eighth grade education in a rural one-room schoolhouse in Jones County. My mother graduated from high school and then went to business college for a six-month program in Kansas City. After raising seven children, I got a call from my mom. She said that at age 59 she knew what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. I said, “What?” She said, “I want to go to college!” I said, “Where?” and she said, “Kirkwood, of course.”

My mother came to Kirkwood and earned a one-year diploma in business. Our entire family attended mom’s graduation. She said, “Today, I feel like I’ve earned a Ph.D.” My mom then came to Kirkwood and worked part-time as a secretary in Agriculture and International Education for nearly 10 years. To me, this is Kirkwood, this is why we exist. Futures do begin at Kirkwood.