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Around Kirkwood

“Robject” Creator Speaks at Kirkwood, Nov. 17

By October 29, 2009January 16th, 2019No Comments

Young professional Robby Marvin presents message of motivation, self-commitment in Iowa Hall, 11 a.m

Robby Marvin is putting his money where his heart is. The same goes for a good portion of his time. On Nov.17 he will bring his message of commitment and involvement to Kirkwood Community College.

Marvin will discuss “The Robject” at 11 a.m. in the Iowa rooms, third floor of Iowa Hall on the Cedar Rapids main campus. The Robject is Marvin’s personal quest to model community service and make a difference in Linn County. The free program is open to the public, sponsored by the Kirkwood Accounting Club. As part of the event, students in the club will launch a food drive for area human service agencies. Collections for the food drive will begin at the Nov. 17 Robject program.

Marvin is an accountant with AEGON USA and the creator of The Robject, a one-year personal commitment to donate time, talent and dollars to his home community. Following the devastation of the 2008 floods, he was motivated to make a personal pledge to donate 365 hours of volunteer time toward charitable and human service organizations. He also pledged to give 31.2 percent of his income for a year, symbolizing the high point of the floodwaters in downtown Cedar Rapids on June 13, 2008. Marvin planned his volunteerism for several months, then launched the one-year service June 1, 2009.

“I want people to know that everyone can do something to make a difference,” Marvin said. “You can’t do everything, so focus on what you can do!”

Following the public event, Kirkwood Accounting Club students will continue collecting canned goods at various sites around campus. Kirkwood Associate Professor Linda Abernathy advises the Accounting Club and says the students were moved to action when they found out about the Robject.

“They have been inspired to give back to the community by collecting canned goods on campus through Nov. 24. Then they will deliver them to the Madge Phillips Center and Willis Dady Shelter in Cedar Rapids, for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. We hope Robby’s talk will inspire much more actions like these,” Abernathy said.

Updated information on The Robject is available online at:

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