TIFFIN, Iowa (May 5, 2017)-Kirkwood Community College President Mick Starcevich was presented the Grant Wood Area Education Agency (GWAEA) Leadership for Learning award at a ceremony in Tiffin on Wednesday night.
The award, which is not presented every year, is given when the GWAEA executive cabinet identifies someone in the community that embodies a strong leader in local education. The agency selected Starcevich because he has provided exemplary educational leadership for youth in addition to demonstrating a partnering attitude in everything he does.
According to Starcevich, even though he graciously accepted the award, his passion for education has nothing to do with accolades.
“Thank you very much to the Grant Wood Area Education Agency for this incredible honor,” said Starcevich. “It’s very exciting to be awarded for my life-long passion of education. However, I didn’t become an educator for the awards. I became an educator because education at all levels is something I feel very strongly about. I’ve said it many times that a well-educated community benefits everyone. Grant Wood AEA has always been an amazing partner and Kirkwood looks forward to collaborating with them for years to come.”
At the ceremony, the agency detailed Starcevich’s career highlighted by the numerous times he partnered with the GWAEA. Currently, the agency and college share space at the Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa in Coralville. Before Kirkwood, Starcevich served as superintendent of College Community Schools in Cedar Rapids where he partnered with GWAEA as well.
“Grant Wood AEA has always been a leader in advancing education in our area,” said Starcevich. “It’s been a pleasure to work with them.”
Past recipients of the Leadership for Learning award include education leaders such as former Kirkwood President Norm Nielsen and former Cedar Rapids Schools Superintendent Lew Finch among others.