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Around Kirkwood

Students Design Potential Cedar Rapids Entrance Signs

By April 13, 2012January 11th, 2019No Comments

Motorists driving into Cedar Rapids may soon be welcomed to town by the work from a Kirkwood Community College classroom. Students in the Landscape Construction & Design program created welcome signs the city is hoping could be placed at various entrances to Cedar Rapids.

The students presented their ideas to Cedar Rapids city leaders on Wednesday. One design will go before the city council. If approved, the city will work with a private company for the construction and upkeep of the signs.

“It was such a great experience for our students to design these projects,” said Shawna Moss, Kirkwood agriculture faculty member. “It’s a large-scale project that could turn into something that everyone passing through Cedar Rapids would see, for years to come.”

The city gave students basic ideas residents were looking for in a gateway entrance to the city. Students then took those concepts and created their projects.

Construction could begin by the end of this summer. The first would potentially go on Interstate 380, just south of Highway 30.

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