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Study Abroad Trip to Costa Rica Planned

By February 9, 2009January 16th, 2019No Comments

May 2009 trip to focus on environmental, cultural and ethical experiences

For 11 days this spring fifteen Kirkwood Community College students and community members will take part in an intensive, diverse learning experience in Costa Rica. Kirkwood will host an educational trip to the Central American country to learn first-hand about tropical ecology, the environmental impact of industrialization, and global ethics issues.

The trip has been a popular addition to students’ learning experiences in the past, according to Kirkwood Arts & Humanities Professor Bob Sessions. He calls the planned excursion “a lot of learning in a couple of weeks” in Costa Rica.

“This study program is a lot more than just sightseeing, although the scenery is spectacular,” Sessions said. “We will visit some primal rain forest preserves, local villages and even examine a recently active volcano up close. It’s a country with breathtaking nature all around.”

Students will study the night hatching of sea turtles on a beach and investigate the economic and ecological impact of large-scale banana farming in the country. Planned visits also include village schools and personal visits with native Costa Ricans about their daily lives and impressions of the United States. Participants will also be able to snorkel near a tropical coral reef, plus spend a day and night at EARTH, an environmentally conscious agriculture school.

Sessions says that previous trips had “profound impacts” on students who completed their study in Costa Rica.
“This country is a superb place to visit and an excellent introduction to another culture. The Costa Ricans are kind, gentle and sociable people. Many of them speak English. The weather is mild and the local food is great. We know it will be an enriching experience for the students who sign up,” he said.

Math/Science Assistant Professor John Dawson also encouraged students to consider this “rare chance to travel and learn” in the spring.

“I have a strong belief that every college student should take a chance to travel abroad. I did it late in my own college experience, but now I wish I had done it earlier. We believe that many students will walk away with life-altering experiences from this trip,” Dawson said.

Students on the 11-day study trip will earn six college credits—three in an environmental ethics course and three in environmental science. The credits readily transfer to most area four-year colleges and universities as do other Kirkwood college courses. The study trip is open to students at Kirkwood and other area colleges and universities, adults from the community and even high school students.

The cost of this Study Abroad trip is $2,825 per person, which includes transportation to and from Costa Rica, in-country transportation, lodging, food, guides, consultant/instructors in Costa Rica and museum visits. Individuals are responsible for incidentals, passports and necessary immunizations (Hepatitis A and a tetanus booster.)

Regular Kirkwood tuition fees also apply for those earning the six college credits. Kirkwood students are eligible for a $750 Study Abroad scholarship made possible through the Kirkwood Foundation.

A brochure outlining the trip is available by calling instructor-trip leaders Bob Sessions (319-887-3615, [email protected] ), and John Dawson (887-3944, [email protected] ).

Information on this and other Study Abroad opportunities is also available from Laurie Driscoll in the Kirkwood International Studies office: [email protected]