The Heritage Agency building
“Fill the Plate” telethon airs on KCRG 9.2, Sunday, Dec. 2
The Heritage Area Agency on Aging is banking on the local community to help feed elderly residents in eastern Iowa. Heritage is hosting a telethon to bring greater support and awareness for its Senior Nutrition Home Delivered and Congregate Meal program.
The Fill the Plate telethon runs from 5-10 p.m. this Sunday, December 2, on KCRG 9.2. The event will raise money to help mitigate this year’s funding shortfall and increase awareness and local engagement for this critical program now and into the future.
The telethon will feature talent from local schools, community members, organizations and others. The broadcast will tell why the need is so great this year, hear from participants, meet people who help provide meals to seniors and show how the community can join together to help those in need.
All money raised through the telethon will go directly towards providing nutritious meals and visits to those seniors most frail and at-risk in the region. Donations can be made by calling 319-626-9300 from 5-10 p.m. on Sunday, December 2, 2012, or anytime at For more information, contact The Heritage Area Agency on Aging at 1-800-332-3934 or [email protected].
The Heritage Agency, a department of Kirkwood Community College since 1971, works to plan, fund and advocate for older adults, their families and caregivers in Benton, Cedar, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn and Washington counties. For more information, call 319-398-5559 or visit