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“Stem Cells from Teeth” Program Offered April 21

By April 7, 2010January 14th, 2019No Comments

In past years, a youngster who lost a baby tooth might trade it to the Tooth Fairy for a dollar. An April 21 program at Kirkwood Community College will discuss real possibilities of those deciduous teeth giving medical science far more valuable opportunities.

Dentists and dental office staff are the key audience for an informative presentation by Mike Byrom, chief scientific officer of the BioEDEN Tooth Cell Bank. On Wednesday April 21, Byrom will present scientific outcomes-based research that demonstrates how stem cells from baby teeth can be used today. The presentation is set for Wednesday, April 21 at the Kirkwood Training and Outreach Services Center (KTOS), 3375 Armar Drive in Marion, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Byrom’s program will explain how recent developments have made stem cell recovery possible from young children’s shed teeth. Participants can learn how these stem cells are being harvested, stored, and used. Then Byrom will talk about patient outcomes in the growth of bone and how area dental professionals can provide this service for dental and medical patients.

This two-hour course is designed for all dental professionals including dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants. It has been approved by the Iowa Dental Board and the Dental Assisting National Board for two hours of credit. This course is also approved for nurses and will provide useful information for many health care professionals, parents and child care providers.

“Stem Cells from Teeth” is sponsored by Kirkwood Continuing Education. Registrations may be made by phone, 800-332-8833 or 319-398-1022 to register for course # CHDE-2200 (2537); the cost is $59. You may also register online on the Kirkwood Web site at

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