Sept. 10 program to focus on Iowa’s “over-reliance” on nursing homes
The Heritage Agency on Aging, along with area aging and disability advocacy organizations will host a free public forum on long-term care in Iowa. Specifically, the program will highlight what organizers call the “over-reliance on nursing homes” in the state and its effect on older Iowans, people with disabilities, their families, home and community based service providers, and state resources. The forum will be held Wednesday, Sept. 10 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Kirkwood Training and Outreach Center in the Armar Plaza, Marion.
The forum will feature a panel of experts who will share information about organizations and initiatives working to expand long term health care options for Iowans and a premiere of a film that focuses on people of all ages talking about how Iowa’s current long term care system impacts where and how they live. Heritage Associate Director Ingrid Wensel observed that two-thirds of Iowa’s Medicaid resources are spent on institutional-based care.
“Currently our state has more nursing homes beds per 1,000 residents than any other state in the country. In addition, Iowa ranks second in the country in its reliance upon 16-plus bed residential facilities to serve people with disabilities. This includes intermediate care facilities for people with mental retardation and residential care facilities,” Wensel added.
Current area state senators and representatives, county supervisors, and candidates running in the November elections are have been invited to attend to learn what steps they can take slow the growth of long term care Medicaid expenditures in Iowa and about what is being done to reduce Iowa’s over-reliance on institutional based care.
To RSVP or for more information call the Heritage Area Agency on Aging 1 (800) 332-5934 or send an email to [email protected]