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Business Students Win, Lead at State Conference

By March 6, 2010January 14th, 2019No Comments

Eleven students earn rights to Calif. nationals in May

The Kirkwood Cedar Rapids chapter of Business Professionals of America hosted the 2010 Spring Leadership Conference February 22- 24. National Secretary/Treasurer, Mindy Nachtman (2009 Administrative Assistant program graduate), provided greetings at the opening general session. Julie Inge represented the chapter during the Torch Award Ceremony.

Brittney Dirks and Amanda Rottman were both elected to state office. Dirks will serve as the 2010-2011 state Secretary/Treasurer while Rottman will be the state Parliamentarian. Dirks’s campaign manager was Jericka Austin, while Stephanie Zeman led Rottman’s campaign.

Voting Delegates were Jericka Austin, Megan Blair, Samantha Boots, Mirna Dillon, Pamela Drowns, Ashley Moses, Tiffany Parish, Cydney Radloff and Stephanie Zeman. Julie Inge served as the chapter’s head voting delegate.

Dirks had a stellar performance at the conference, receiving seven awards and citations. She won the Management/Marketing/Human Resource Concepts—Open event; took second in both the Advanced Word Processing Skills and Parliamentary Procedure Concepts—Open contests; and claimed 4th place in the Merit Scholar test and as part of the Administrative Support Team #2. She also earned 6th place in the Insurance Concepts—Open contest and 9th place in the Federal Income Tax Accounting—Open event.

Four other Kirkwood students earned first place honors: Julie Inge, Advanced Word Processing Skills; Mindy Nachtman, Integrated Office Applications; and Traci Wulfekuhle in Desktop Publishing. Sarah Heckart placed first in the Prepared Speech contest, then placed second in Expository Speech.

The Kirkwood students dominated in the Advanced Word Processing Skills test. In addition to Inge’s first place, Brittney Dirks was second, Amanda Rottman third, Traci Wulfekuhle fifth, Megan Blair, seventh, Cydney Radloff eighth, Samantha Boots ninth, and Pamela Drowns tenth. Dirks, Rottman, and Wulfekuhle qualified for the national conference.

Fourth place winners were Megan Blair, Federal Income Tax Accounting—Open; Mirna Dillon, Fundamental Spreadsheet Applications; Pamela Drowns, Basic Office Systems & Procedures; Ashley Erboe, Integrated Office Applications; Julie Inge, Parliamentary Procedure Concepts—Open; and Amanda Rottman, Banking & Finance.

Also earning spots at the National Leadership Conference were fifth place winners Ashley Erboe, Desktop Publishing; and Cydney Radloff, Banking & Finance.

Students earning an honorable mention medallion were Amanda Daugherty, Interview Skills; Brittney Dirks, Insurance Concepts—Open; Stephanie Smith, Desktop Publishing; Brittney Miller, Desktop Publishing; Traci Wulfekuhle, Federal Income Tax Accounting—Open; Cydney Radloff, Insurance Concepts—Open; and Krystal Sachen, Fundamental Word Processing Skills. In addition, a Kirkwood Administrative Support Team earned Honorable Mention. Team members were Megan Blair, Amanda Daugherty, Brittney Dirks and Ashley Erboe.

The 2010 National Leadership Conference will be May 4 – 9, in Anaheim, California. Kirkwood Assistant Professor/Coordinator Kimberly Schultz advises the Cedar Rapids chapter.

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