What is your background?: I’m from Des Moines, Iowa. Hoover High School, There are I’ve of us in my family: my mom Jamicha, my sister Maria, and my two brothers Jeremiah and Kymani.
What brought you to Kirkwood and why?: On my first visit my coaches just really made me feel at home. I just compared my visit here to other places and I noticed how different it was here compared to the other schools. I also really liked the culture. Throughout my whole recruiting process I would hear nothing but great things about this program. The conversations I was having with Coach Petersen just made me want to come be a part of something even more.
What is your program of study and what interests you about it?: I’m undecided right now but I do have an interest to go into either business or physical therapy.
Are you involved in anything else on campus? If so, what and why?: As a student athlete, I’m very busy so I am not involved with anything else on campus.
Are you involved in anything off of campus?: Similar to on-campus activities, I am not really involved with anything off-campus.
What do you do for fun?: If I’m not hanging out with my teammates, then I’m on playing video games. My favorites are NBA2k and Rainbow Six.
Where do you see yourself in five years?: In five years, if I get the chance, I can see myself either playing professional basketball or working to take care of my family.